Audit-proof and dynamic XBRL reporting
Regulatory reporting for IORP based on EIOPA specifications requires audit-proof processes combined with an intuitive software solution that hides XBRL complexity from the user. Furthermore, regular changes in the taxonomy have to be promptly incorporated into the system used. The audit trail in processes and services poses a further challenge.

Excellent process-based software with intuitive usability
- Automatic XBRL validation based on the EIOPA taxonomy with consistent error reporting and corrections
- Audit-proof process including dual-control principle
- Best data quality due to import plausibility checks
- Deutsche Bundesbank reporting schemes for “micro reporters” included
- Cloud-based solution

Experience the versatile possibilities of zeb.control live!
The following product video shows you by means of a tutorial how to access the extensive functions of the software and shows you exemplary calculations and analyses.
- Leading provider of solvency solutions in Europe with extensive experience in the insurance reporting software segment, including XBRL expertise
- User-friendly and comprehensible validation engine and output
- Simple data recording via intuitive templates
➥ Accurate and reliable reporting combined with cost reduction

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